About Us
Routers are the core of the ISP's business. Cisco is the brand chosen by most, as they are the most reliable. Routers control where Internet traffic goes. All services offered by ISP's depend on routing working perfectly.

Before ISP Innovations
  • Router cpu may climb to dangerous levels, (with Denial of Service Attacks, or Kazaa), with no notifications until router is non-functional, at which time one cannot log into the router
  • Router changes (i.e. new users) must be made by a qualified technician
  • Router changes are typed in, with ho "history" of what changed
  • Even with qualified technicians, typos are possible, which can cause serious problems
  • Router changes are time-consuming
  • Router changes must be 'verified' by a second (also time-consuming) step, or there is no guarantee the new functionality works.
  • You cannot "roll back to previous configuration", if changes cause problems
  • Router configurations are rarely "archived", in case of router failure
  • Router changes do not cause notifications to Administrator
  • It takes time & effort (logging into the router) to see what IP's or Mac Addresses any particular DSL customer is using
  • Finding DSL users using more than one Mac Address, or more than the allotted number of IP's, can be difficult & time-consuming
  • When a customer exceeds their allotted resources, no warnings are generated, and they can get more service than they pay for, unless they are rate limited.

After ISP Innovations
  • Router cpu is "monitored", and warnings sent out when it exceeds "trigger" level
  • Router changes (new users) can be made by anyone
  • Router changes are made by a program, with 0% failure rate, and "history" of what changed
  • Typos are not possible
  • You *can* "roll back to previous configuration" if necessary
  • Router changes take seconds
  • Router changes are verified transparently, and the status (success or failure) is quickly reported to user configuring the service.
  • Each new router configuration is archived, (before & after) with date of change
  • Each new router configurations causes the changes to be emailed to Administrator
  • Simple Web Reports show what IP's or Mac Address any particular DSL customer is using
  • Simple Web Reports *instantly* show DSL users using more than one Mac Address, or more than the allotted number of IP's
  • Emails can be automatically generated (to the System Administrator, and/or customer) when customers abuse their resources, and billing rates can automatically increase at these times.

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